Innovative foods made from 100% natural ingredients
AFPI is dedicated to producing innovative foods made from 100% natural ingredients. Our ethos is to ensure everything we produce serves a healthy purpose.

About Us
AFPI is dedicated to producing innovative foods made from 100% natural ingredients. Our ethos is to ensure everything we produce serves a healthy purpose.
AFPI is well known for Mast Chew; a natural, organic and sugar-free chewing gum. Unlike other gums, our gum base is neither synthetic (petroleum) nor latex (chicle), rather it is Mastic tree resin. The gum base is then sweetened with xylitol and naturally flavoured with essential oils.
Our founder and CEO, Dr. Sharif Sharifi has applied his knowledge and experience to create a unique range of products that reflects the intrinsic relationship between food and science.

Research and Development
We are a committed team of Australian scientists who have contributed to the establishment of a number of laboratories and manufacturing companies. Our team have also taught and conducted research in renowned universities worldwide.
Apart from running our own laboratories, we collaborate with university research sectors and have provided scholarships
for post graduate students.
A selection of journal articles published by our CEO/Associates and others are available below.
Collapsible content
Scientific Publications
- References:
Afrasiabian, H., Imanieh, M. H., Nejati, M. A., & Salehi, A. (2016). The effect of oral administration of Pistacia atlantica kurdica gum on the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients with dyspepsia: A randomized clinical trial. Glob J Health Sci, 9(2), 256. - Ebrahimi, D., Sharifi, M. S., Hazell, S. L., Hibbert, D. B. Generalized multiplicative analysis of variance of kill kinetics data of antibacterial agents, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems.2008, 92(2), 101-109.
- Ibn Al-Baytar Abdullah Ahmed Al-Andalusi. Materia Medica, III; pp. 158-159 (in Arabic).
- Sharifi, M. S., Ebrahimi, D., Hibbert, B. D., Hook, J., Hazell, S. L. (2012). Bio-Activity of Natural Polymers from the Genus Pistacia: A Validated Model for their Antimicrobial Action. Global Journal of Health and Sciences. 2012, 4(1), 149-61.
- Papageorgiou, V.P.; Sagredos, A.N.; Moser, R. GLC-MS Computer Analysis of The Essential Oil of Mastic Gum.Chem. Chron., New Ser.1981, 10, 119-124.
- Sharifi, M. S., Hazell, S. L. GC-MS Analysis and Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of the trunk exudates from Pistacia atlantica kurdica. J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. 3(8), 2011, 1364-1367.
- Sharifi, M. S., Hazell, S. L.Characterization of genus Pistaciain relation to antimicrobial activity. Traditional & Complementary Medicine. 2008, 1008-1013.
- Sharifi, M.S. Fractionation and analysis of trunk exudates from pistacia genus in relation to antimicrobial activity. Ph. D thesis, College of Health and Science, University of Western; 2006, pp. 301.
- Sharifi, M. S., Hazell., S. L. Fractionation of Mastic Gum in Relation to Antimicrobial Activity. Pharmaceuticals. 2009, 2(1), 2-10Sharifi, M. S., Hazell, S. L. Isolation, Analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of the Acidic Fractions of Mastic, Kurdica, Mutica and Cabolica Gums from Genus Pistacia. Global Journal of Health Science, 2012, 4(1), 217-28.Sharifi, M. S., Hazell, S. L. Structural Relationship Activities of Triterpenoids. Journal of Infectious Disease, 2012, 31.
- Sharifi, M. S., Vagg, W. J., Hazell, S. L. Characterization of mastic gum in relation to anti-Helicobacter pylori activity. Journal of World Chemistry.2001, 560-566.
- Thomas, S.; Stefanos, D.; Chmielewska, E.; Chmielewska, W. Distribution, Development andStructure of Resin Ducts in Pistachia lentiscus var. chia Duhamel. Flora.2000, 195, 83-94.